Code of Conducts & Reports
Dance Community Goals and Values
This space ”is a public venue, and it is intended to be a place that sometimes puts you outside of your comfort zone. In that sense, and in that sense only, it is designed to be an unsafe place. We want you to push yourself, learn new things, and meet people who will challenge you in whatever corner of the arts you pursue. We believe in the value of public arts’ spaces, and we believe in the mixing of diverse groups of people that these places encourage. We believe in humor and the power of not taking oneself seriously.” (Mobtown Ballroom Code of Conduct)
SHALL WE DANCE CORPUS CHRISTI (HEREIN stated as CCTX Dance, SWDCCTX, or Shall We Dance CCTX) strives for an environment that is safe, welcoming, and fun for beginner and continuing dancers at its social dance events. Good social dancing happens from a place of mutual respect and kindness and we ask that attendees embody these values at our events. We welcome all genders, gender identities, races, ages, sexual orientations, abilities, physical appearances, body sizes, religions, dance levels, and so on.
We want to create an environment where people can step out of their comfort zone and either try dancing for the first time or challenge themselves to improve. That said, we want this to be an environment where discomfort comes from being challenged and growing in your skills as a dancer and meeting new people, not due to others making you uncomfortable through their actions or vice versa. Below are some guidelines that will help you contribute to a welcoming lesson and social dance environment.
Community members have the right to:
Be free from threat of harm to their bodies and their property.
Express and enforce personal boundaries.
Choose who to accept an invitation to dance from and when.
Refuse or end a dance at any time without explanation.
Be free from unsolicited feedback or comments, including, but not limited to, feedback or comments regarding dance technique, clothing, movement choices, or facial expressions. Requesting adjustments for your safety is welcome and encouraged.
Be free from harassment, threats, and discrimination of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to:
Offensive, derogatory, negative, discriminatory, or vulgar comments or behavior related to an individual’s race, age, level of dance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, physical appearance, religion, or anything else.
Microaggressions related to any of the above listed identities and attributes.
Talking over, heckling, or deliberately disrupting a class or event.
Persistent and unwelcome attention or advances.
Unwelcome or coerced physical contact in any capacity.
Any situation which makes another person feel unsafe or uncomfortable to the point of being unable to enjoy the event.
Respectfully express opinions in a way that:
Does not mock, ridicule, or demean individuals or groups.
Does not contain obscene, vulgar, or inflammatory statements.
Is not detrimental to the welfare of other community members.
Community members have a responsibility to:
Adhere to personal boundaries set by other community members.
Attend to other community members’ verbal and non-verbal cues (ex. changes in eye contact or facial expression, pulling away, tensing up) that may indicate a boundary crossing and to change their own behavior accordingly.
Gracefully accept when another community member refuses their invitation to dance.
Be aware of their surroundings and make choices that minimize the risk of injury.
Avoid performing lifts or aerials on the social floor. Lifts and aerials should only be executed by trained professionals during a performance.
Acknowledge and apologize for accidental injuries. Offer assistance for minor injuries and find a staff member if first aid is required.
Invite each other to dance clearly and kindly. “Would you like to dance?” or some variation thereof is generally safe; close friends may use a variety of noises and gestures to invite each other to dance.
Be aware of how their actions affect others and take responsibility for harm caused, even if their intentions were not malicious.
Self-reflect and/or seek guidance from a trusted teacher or mentor if they are frequently asked to make changes to their behavior or frequently injuring partners.
Commit to learning and growing from both their successes and mistakes as a dancer and as a member of the dance community.
Refrain from participating in illegal activities while at a Dancing Fools event.
Avoid using perfumed products immediately before or during a Dancing Fools event. Fragrance allergies can cause severe side effects; using unscented products is a simple way to keep our space accessible to all.
Report issues that you experience or witness as soon as possible (see “How to Contact Us” below); Dancing Fools staff members are keeping an eye out during all of our events, but reports from our community are key to helping us maintain a safer space for everyone.
Event Policy Basics:
SWDCCTX welcomes dancers of all ages! However, if you are under 18, you must bring an over-18 chaperone with you.
SWDCCTX is a sword-, knife-, firearm-, nun-chuck-, light-saber-, nerf-gun-, etc.- free event
SWDCCTX requests that you refrain from using glitter and confetti at dances
SWDCCTX is a recreational-drug-free event
SWDCCTX will ask anyone who is visibly intoxicated to leave the dance floor and will adhere to the event Venue's alcohol policy
No alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the facility except those provided by the venue or if explicitly stated by the event host to be alcohol-friendly
No alcoholic beverages may be consumed outside the building
Minors will not be served
Individuals judged to be intoxicated will not be served
Social Dance Etiquette:
In the lesson, we are trying to reach a common goal as a group. Being friendly is natural, but excessive chatter distracts the group.
We also ask that you rely on the instruction/instructor and not peer review. Classes are for self-assessment and self-paced learning.
During the social dance, we expect people to practice skills or dance just to have fun. Offering what you think are corrections to your partner is not appropriate (unless specifically asked for feedback on topics such as PAIN or DISCOMFORT).
Consider spending at least one social dance with all the different people at the dance regardless of dance level.
When you ask someone to dance, it’s helpful to clarify if you intend to lead, follow, or switch. In today’s social dance environment, lead or follow cannot be assumed by visual identity.
If you want to dance, feel free to ask someone to dance. There are no laws or explicit rules in dancing that require a specific role to ask who to dance.
We don’t control other people and neither should another attendee.
It’s OK to say “No” to a dance, or any activity without explanation.
It’s OK if someone says “No” to you. Honor people taking care of themselves.
Any explicit disrespect or disregard of enthusiastic consent will not be tolerated
Dance floors can be fast-paced and crowded environments. Please be careful of the space other dancers are using. Excessive traveling, partner weight support moves, and dips are discouraged in social settings.
Slower Traveling Dancers should stay in the innermost lane of the dance floor
Faster Traveling Dancers should stay in the outermost lane of the dance floor
Non-Travel Dancers should stay in the center of the dance floor (this includes WCS, Cha-Cha, Rumba, ECS, etc)
Sexual language and/or imagery and profanities are not appropriate at any part of the event or the social media page. Feel free to curse silently to yourself if you stub your toe.
If something is uncomfortable, please let your partner know. For example, if a connection is too firm ask for a lighter one.
High-fiving or saying ‘thank you’ are nice ways to end a dance. Not everyone is a hugger.
We are not encouraging romantic interactions/dating. This is not a space for meeting new people with the intention of dating.
Health and Hygiene:
If you are sick or not feeling well, please stay home. We will enjoy dancing with you next time.
We recommend you frequently use hand sanitizer and wash your hands because we know that gatherings spread germs
If you want to wear a mask, we welcome you
If you are tired or something starts to feel weird, feel free to take a break and take care of yourself
Manage your breath. Be conscious about your choice of pre-dance meal. Always have gum or mints ready.
Remember that dancing is an exercise activity: wear deodorant or antiperspirant
Bring an extra shirt. Some of us get sweaty and a dry shirt is awesome. A towel and fan may help too.
Recognize that some people are scent-sensitive. We discourage hand lotion and strong scents.
You may bring a water bottle with WATER as the content. We highly recommend bringing electrolytes, but we do NOT encourage bringing alcohol or other mental inhibitors to the social dances or lessons.
Harassment Free Zone:
We will not tolerate harassment.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments (including but not limited to those related to gender, gender identity, race, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, religion, dance level, etc.), use of sexual images or behavior in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, photographing or recording someone without their permission, sustained disruption, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Advocating for or encouraging any unacceptable behavior will also be considered harassment. Harassment of ANY kind will not be tolerated at any event venue, including dances, and other online avenues or social media affiliated with our events.
If an attendee engages in harassing behavior, the event organizers will take action. Action includes warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund, or ban from future events.
Attendees asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
SWDCCTX will be happy to help attendees contact the other organizers, or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event. We value your attendance and your safety.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Inappropriate physical contact
Offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexuality, appearance, race, religion, or dance ability.
Repeated and unwelcome sexual advances
Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
Stalking may constitute:
Threats to harm self or others
Non-consensual communication by any means
Pursuing and following a member of TAMBDA
Unwanted gifts
Culture and Community Oriented Towards Improvement:
SWDCCTX takes complaints seriously and is committed to resolving issues to the best of our ability. We strive to create a culture that resolves these issues by engaging the whole community. We ask you to speak up if you witness something that isn't contributing to the community goals of being safe, welcoming, and fun. Speak either directly to the person causing an issue or to an event organizer. Your willingness to speak up will help create an environment of positive social pressure that organizers can’t generate single-handedly.
If someone raises an issue to you about your behavior, please listen and be willing to learn. When you make complaints, consider it is not the event organizers' job to create an environment where no one will ever get on your nerves. Harassment is one thing; personal issues are another.
Issue Resolution Process:
SWDCCTX does not represent all dance instructors or hosts in the Corpus Christi area, but most dance leaders in our area will attempt to work with anyone who violates this Code of Conduct to correct the behavior, whether the violations are observed directly by event organizers or reported by attendees. Extreme or repeated violations of this Code of Conduct, or refusal to cooperate with representatives, may be met with consequences up to and including expulsion from the event without a refund and suspension from future events.
When you bring up an issue to you may expect the following:
An initial conversation away from other attendees
Confidentiality (unless we feel someone is in immediate danger)
You will be asked how you would like the situation to be handled
Your Dance Instructor and/or Dance Host will then determine the next steps in consultation with you
Next steps may include the reported person being:
Monitored, but not approached, to keep an eye on them for further issues
Spoken to directly about their behavior and asked to stop
Removed from the event, and/or banned from future events
This code of conducts is generic that generally aligns with the belief system of most instructors, teachers, hosts, and venues in the CCTX area. HOWEVER, due to individual personalities and that SWDCCTX is a volunteer entity, not representing anyone, but rather embodying the love and joy of dance and dancers, these individuals as community leaders are the ones who chose their specific phrasing, their methodologies on how to respond to reports, and their personal beliefs on infractions listed within this code of conducts. If you feel information of a party is not correct, be sure to contact the instructor and not Lacey Powell Fitness and Dance. Discrepancies are due to a lack of communications from the local professionals.
This is for educational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. It is the reader's responsibility to verify the instructor's ethics, credentials, experience, and qualifications.
All information, content, and materials available on this site are for general and educational informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date information.Lacey Powell Fitness and Dance is not responsible for any injuries or damages that may occur during the dance classes, nor responsible for the actions or behavior of the instructors listed on the website or previously listed on this website.
“Shall We Dance Corpus Christi” and “” and its related outreaches was created by dancers for other dancers. These platform's sole purpose is to provide a service to the community by aggregating schedules from local studios and boutiques to inform the general public about partner dance classes available each month. Neither “Shall We Dance Corpus Christi,” “,” nor Lacey Powell Fitness and Dance shall be held liable for any damages or injuries that may occur during the dance classes, or for the actions or behavior of the instructors listed on the website.
See you on the Dance Floor!