Code of Conducts & Reports

Dance Community Goals and Values 

This space ”is a public venue, and it is intended to be a place that sometimes puts you outside of your comfort zone. In that sense, and in that sense only, it is designed to be an unsafe place. We want you to push yourself, learn new things, and meet people who will challenge you in whatever corner of the arts you pursue. We believe in the value of public arts’ spaces, and we believe in the mixing of diverse groups of people that these places encourage. We believe in humor and the power of not taking oneself seriously.” (Mobtown Ballroom Code of Conduct) 

SHALL WE DANCE CORPUS CHRISTI (HEREIN stated as CCTX Dance, SWDCCTX, or Shall We Dance CCTX) strives for an environment that is safe, welcoming, and fun for beginner and continuing dancers at its social dance events. Good social dancing happens from a place of mutual respect and kindness and we ask that attendees embody these values at our events. We welcome all genders, gender identities, races, ages, sexual orientations, abilities, physical appearances, body sizes, religions, dance levels, and so on. 

We want to create an environment where people can step out of their comfort zone and either try dancing for the first time or challenge themselves to improve.  That said, we want this to be an environment where discomfort comes from being challenged and growing in your skills as a dancer and meeting new people, not due to others making you uncomfortable through their actions or vice versa.  Below are some guidelines that will help you contribute to a welcoming lesson and social dance environment.

Community members have the right to:

Community members have a responsibility to:

Event Policy Basics:

Social Dance Etiquette:


Health and Hygiene:

Harassment Free Zone:

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

Stalking may constitute: 

Culture and Community Oriented Towards Improvement:

SWDCCTX takes complaints seriously and is committed to resolving issues to the best of our ability. We strive to create a culture that resolves these issues by engaging the whole community. We ask you to speak up if you witness something that isn't contributing to the community goals of being safe, welcoming, and fun. Speak either directly to the person causing an issue or to an event organizer. Your willingness to speak up will help create an environment of positive social pressure that organizers can’t generate single-handedly. 


If someone raises an issue to you about your behavior, please listen and be willing to learn. When you make complaints, consider it is not the event organizers' job to create an environment where no one will ever get on your nerves. Harassment is one thing; personal issues are another. 

Issue Resolution Process:

SWDCCTX does not represent all dance instructors or hosts in the Corpus Christi area, but most dance leaders in our area will attempt to work with anyone who violates this Code of Conduct to correct the behavior, whether the violations are observed directly by event organizers or reported by attendees. Extreme or repeated violations of this Code of Conduct, or refusal to cooperate with representatives, may be met with consequences up to and including expulsion from the event without a refund and suspension from future events.

When you bring up an issue to you may expect the following:​

Next steps may include the reported person being: 


See you on the Dance Floor!

email us at: cctx[at]cctxdance[dot]com if you have any questions or concerns